Fred Allen His Life and Wit
Taylor 1989 |
Fifty Years Behind the
Microphone Les Keiter 1991 |
The Early Days of Wheeler
and Hazeltine Corp Wheeler
1982 |
Fessenden Builder of
Tomorrow Fessenden 1940 |
Charles Payne |
Edwin Armstrong: Man of High
Lessing 1956 |
Fifty Fabulous Years
H.V. Kaltenborn
1950 |
Edward R Murrow
and the birth of broadcast
Journalism Edwards |
(The) Funny Men
Steve Allen 1956 |
Fessenden; Builder of
1940 |
Edward R Morrow
Edwards 2004 |
Empire William Paley &
Making of CBS Pawper 1987 |
Fridays With Red
(Red Barber)
Edwards 1993 |
William Paley and the Making
of CBS
Paaper |
Biographies of Father
Coughlin |
Father Coughlin
of the
Shrine of the Little Flower
Mugglebee 1933 |
Father Charles E Coughlin
Ward 1933 |
Lee De Forest
Biographies |
Conqueror of Space:
Lee DeForest
Corneal 1930 |
Father of Radio
Lee de Forest
1950 |
Electronics Pioneer: Lee
Levine 1964 |
Father of Radio
Autobiography of Lee de
Forest 1959 |
Lee de Forest
1962 |
Georgie Woods I'm Only a Man
Spady 1992 |
.jpg) |
Glenn Miller & His
Orchestra Simon 1974 |
Great Radio Personalities
Slide 1982 |
Great Radio Personalities
Slide 1982 (1) |
The Inventor of Stereo
Blumlein Alexander 1999 |
Herbert W Armstrong Radio
Church of God Martin 1968 |
Good Evening Everybody
Lowell Thomas
1976 |
His Typewrite Grew Spurs
Striker 1983 |
His Master's Voice Was
Eldridge R Johnson Johnson
1974 |
George Burns the First 100
Years |
Imus America's Cowboy Tracy
1999 |
Hi-Ho Steverino
Steve Allen
1992 |
Hey Kemosabe!
Dan Ingram
By Chris Ingram |
Gordon McLendon
The Maverick of Radio
Garay |
Hoop of Hooperatings
The story of C.E. Hooper
Frank Nye
1957 |
Head Heart & Heel (Uncle
Don) Treadwell-1958 |
I Looked and Listened
First Edition - 1954 |
I Looked And I
2nd Edition |
Genius at Riverhead
Harold Beverage
1988 |
Good Evening, Everybody
Lowell Thomas
1976 |
Good Evening
Raymond Swing
1964 |
In All His Glory
William Paley
Smith |
The House that Jack Built:
Hal Jackson |
Hi-Ho Steverino
Steve Allen 1992 |
I Was That Masked Man
Moore 1988 |
In All His Glory William
Smith 1990 |
Let's be Frank About It by
Frank Blair 1979 |
John Logie Baird A Life Kamm
Baird 2002 |
Laughter in the Air Took UK
1981 |
J Scott Smart The
Fat Man by Laughlin 1994
Jack Benny
from Museum of Television
and Radio 1991 |
The Life of a Man Brinkley
Wood 1937 |
The Kansas Doctor Bonner
1976 |
A Life on the Road Kuralt
1990 |
Ladies and Gentlemen Easy
Ace 1970 |
The Legacies of Edwin Howard
Radio Club of America 1990 |
Lone Ranger Fred Foy From XYZ to ABC |
The Lives of_William Benton
Hyman 1969 |
John Baird Moseley |
The Last Great Days of Radio
Woolley 1993 |
Lowell Thomas
History as you heard it.
1957 |
Long John Nebel
Bain - 1974 |
John Logie Baird and
Hallett 1978 |
Jack Benny
Mary L. Benny 1978 |
Nothing Could Be Finer Than
A Crisis That Is Minor
Osgood 19 |
The Osgood Files Osgood 1991 |
Out of Thin Air Frank 1991 |
Marconi 1974 Centenary Issue |
Much Ado About Me Fred Allen
1956 Allen |
Out of the Air Mary Margaret
McBride 1960 |
Oliver Lodge and the
Invention of Radio Rowlahds
1994 |
Memories The Autobiography of Ralph Emery 1991 |
Out of The Blue Crosby
1951 |
Making Waves 50 Greatest
Women Duncan |
Microphone Memoires Harris
1947 |
My Night People Gray 1975 |
Of Mikes and Men
1948 |
Molly and Me Gertrude Berg
1961 |
Nothing on the Radio
Murray 2002 |
Microphone Memoirs Harris
1937 |
My First 10,000,000 Sponsors
Edwards 1956 |
Murray the K Tells it Like
it Is - Murray Kaufman
1966 |
O. Wayne Rollins
An Authorized Biography
Rollins 1997 |
The Morrow Boys
Cloud & Olson 1996 |
Of Mikes and Men
Woodfin 1951 |
On The Air: Pioneers of
American Broadcasting
Henderson 1988 |
On the Air in World War II
MacVane 1979 |
On the Radio: Harden &
Weaver 1993 |
Speece 1981 |
Microphone Memoirs
Harris 1937 |
On the Radio with Harden and
1983 |
Biographies |
Marconi's Atlantic Leap
Bussey 1999 |
Making Waves 50 Greatest
Women Duncan AWRT 2002 |
Maynard Maynard Speece 1981 |
Guglielmo Marconi 1874- 1937
Geddes 1974 |
Marconi: Wireless on Cape
Whatley 1987 |
Guglielmo Marconi and Radio
Parker 1994 |
Marconi and the Discovery of
Reade 1963 |
Marconi My Beloved
Marconi 1999 |
Signor Marconi's Magic Box
Weightman 2003 |
Marconi: Father of Radio
1965 |
My Father, Marconi
Degna Marconi
1962 |
Pioneer of Radio
Douglas Coe 1961 |
Marconi; The Man and His
Dunlap 1937 |
Gugliermo Marconi
1970 |
W. P. Jolly
1972 |
Whisper in the Air
Marconi: Canada Years
MacLeod - 1996 |
Marconi's Battle for Radio
Birch & Corfield
1996 |
1956 - California
Dept. of Education |
Pioneer of Radio
Coe 1943 |
Radio Boy Paul Gambaccini
1986 |
Radio Wizard Edward Samuel
Rogers Anthony 2000 |
A Reporter's Life Walter
Cronkite 1996 |
Paul Harvey's Rest of the
Aurandt 1978 |
Rambling with Gambling John
Gambling 1972 |
The Roguish World of Doctor
Brinkley Carson 1960 |
A Reporter's Life Cronkite
1996 |
People of the Century Time
CBS News 1999 |
Remember With Me
Ruth Lyons 1969 |
Richard Dimbleby Broadcaster
Miall 1966 |
Rock Roll and Remember Clark
1976 |
The PD Chronicles
James 2001 |
Radio's First Voice
Fressenden Raby 1970 |
Radio Waves on the FM Dial
Jim Ladd -. 1991 |
Radio's 100 Men of Science
Dunlap 1946 |
El Rey de la TV
(the story of Goar Mestre)
Pablo Sirvén
1996 |
Radio's 100 Men of Science
Orrin Dunlap
1944 |
Playing in the FM Band
1974 |
Reginald Fressenden
Radio's Forgotten Voice
Webb |
Pennsylvania Radio
Charles Moore
Undated |
Radio's Beautiful Day
Everett Mitchell
1984 |
Prime Time
The Life of Edward R Murrow
Kendrick - 1969 |
Radio Priest: Charles
Warren 1966 |
R. J. McElroy
Neymyer 1997 |
P.S. Jack Parr
Parr 1983 |
Author |
Quivers A Life
Robin Quivers
1995 |
The Rise of The Goldbergs
1931 |
Story of Henry Field
Frances Field 1994 |
Sermons Soap and_Television
John Logie Baird 1988 |
Two Princes of Science
Edison and Marconi
1908 |
Tinker in Television Tinker
Rukeyser 1994 |
Sketches of Life Barnes 1932 |
The Story Man's First
Writes Barkley 1998 |
The Secret Life of John
Logie Baird 1986 |
Treadmill to Oblivion
Fred Allen 1954 |
Same Time Same Station
Lackman 1996 |
Salant CBS
Battle for the Soul of
Broadcast Journalism
Salant 1999 |
Sunday Nights at Seven
The Jack Benny Story
1990 |
The Storytellers
1995 |
Spins and Needles
Bill Mack
1970 |
This Was Radio
A Personal Memoir
Joseph Julian |
Shrine of the Silver Dollar:
Father Coughlin
Spivak 1940 |
Ten Years Before the Mike
Husing 1935 |
Tune in Tomorrow
Mary Jane Higby 1968 |
Biographies |
Putting Electrons to Work
David Sarnoff.
Tebbel - 1963 |
Looking Ahead
David Sarnoff
1968 |
Time Magazine
July 1951
Article about Sarnoff |
David Sarnoff: Radio and TV
Myers 1972 |
David Sarnoff A Biography
Lyons 1966 |
The Wisdom of Sarnoff and
the World of RCA
Gutterman 1968 |
David Sarnoff
1966 |
David Sarnoff: Radio
and TV Boy
Myers - 1972 |
The General: David Sarnoff
Bilby - 1985 |
Wisdom Magazine
The Universe of David
Sarnoff - 1958 |
TU |
That Lucky
Old Son
Autobiography Laine 1993 |
Tommy Handley Kavanagh 1949 |
Two Princes of Science:
Edison & Marconi
Early 1900's |
This Was Radio
Joseph Julian
1975 |
Trail Blazers
Short Bios
Zenith Radio Corp
1943 |
This is Norman Brokenshire
Brokenshire - 1954
Courtesy Jerry Clegg |
The Taste of the Ashes
Bill Stern - 1959
Courtesy Jerry Clegg |
Tune In Tomorrow
Mary Jane Higby
Courtesy of Jerry Clegg |
The Television Man John
Rowland 1966 |
Take it Away, Sam
Bio of Sam Hubbard
Wing - 1938 |
Treadmill to Oblivion
Fred Allen 1954 |
Touching the Stars Hickman
1986 |
Biographies and Related
Subjects |
Wizard Life sand Times of
Nikola Tesla Seifer 1996 |
Tesla: The Modern Sorcerer
Stewart |
Tesla: Life & Times of
an Electric Messiah
Cawthorne |
Niklola Tesla: Inventions,
Researches & Writings
Martin 1995 |
Tesla: Man Out of Time
1993 |
The Man Who Invented the
20th Century
Lomas - 1999 |
What Am I Doing Here Rollye
James |
Zworykin Pioneer of
Abramson 1995 |
Gabler 1994 |
Work in Progress Eisner 1998 |
The Vanishing Evangelist
Thomas 1960 |
Vision Warrior John Logie
Baird McArthur 1986 |
You're On the Air
Graham McNamee
1926 |
The Wally Phillips People
1979 |
Winchell: His Life and Times
Klurfeld 1976 |
Vision Warrior: The hidden
achievement of John Logie
McArthur 1986 |
Yankee from the West
Wheeler 1962 |
Biographies and
Perspectives |